Saturday, July 14, 2012

and here he is...

....the beautiful Carbon - pastel. I do hope my friend likes him as I've made some adjustments to his colouring to make the picture more interesting. (How far can you take artistic license? What do you think?) Thoroughly enjoyed drawing this one but always some trepidation over whether it will be acceptable to the new owner. Thanks for looking.


  1. I'm sure you friend loves it but I know what you mean about that nervous feeling about whether the owner will like it or not and the big sigh of relief when they do. I'd say it's ok to use a bit of artistic license even when the painting is for someone. I've just had the same problem with painting a golden retriever for someone I know, I made the fur a bit darker colourwise as it was difficult to get good tonal variation on such light fur but think I got away with it - the owner loves it fortunately! Great pastel painting by the way and blog!

  2. Thanks Sharon. I am happy to report that she loved it (phew!) It turns out the painting makes him look like he is in his summer coat. I had a quick look at your blog, but in a bit of a rush right now so will look again later. I appreciated your comment.

  3. Beautiful Anna. Not surprised that your friend loved it.

    Just had the same fears that you and Sharon mention - client came to collect a portrait on Tuesday evening and his wife burst into tears immediately ... success then :-)

  4. Dear Anna mam,
    Beautiful work........! all the best..

  5. So glad your friend liked it - there was never any doubt I'm sure! It's always a sure sign when they start to cry!
